Bachelor-Studium International Business Management
(vormals Export-oriented Management)
Internationale Wirtschaft auf den Punkt gebracht: Sind Sie kommunikationsfreudig? Reisen Sie gerne? Sind Sie offen für andere Kulturen? Interessieren Sie sich für internationale Geschäftsbeziehungen? Dann ist dieser Studiengang perfekt auf Sie zugeschnitten.
Wir bereiten Sie mit fundiertem Wissen in internationaler Betriebswirtschaftslehre (BWL) und Kenntnissen aus den Bereichen Intercultural Management und International Relations auf die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Partnerinnen und Partnern aus aller Welt vor. Klar, dass die Unterrichtssprache dabei Englisch ist. Dazu erlernen oder verbessern Sie im Studium noch eine zusätzliche Fremdsprache.
Der Studienbeitrag zzgl. 24,70 EUR ÖH-Beitrag gilt für EU- bzw. EWR-Staatsbürgerinnen und -Staatsbürger. Bitte beachten Sie, dass für Nicht-EU/EWR-Staatsbürgerinnen und -Staatsbürger eigene Studienbeiträge gelten.
Das Studium
Viele Unternehmen arbeiten heute in einem internationalen Umfeld: Das betrifft einerseits ihre Lieferunternehmen, geschäftliche Kontakte, Consultants und Kundschaft, die vermehrt aus dem Ausland kommen. Andererseits ist auch die Konkurrenz zunehmend international orientiert und bietet neue Ideen und Geschäftsmodelle aus anderen Ländern, die die Märkte nachhaltig verändern.
Österreichische Unternehmen suchen daher verstärkt nach Möglichkeiten im Ausland: Die Exportwirtschaft, oft als Wachstumsmotor der Wirtschaft bezeichnet, ist in den letzten 20 Jahren von 10.000 Unternehmen auf über 60.000 angewachsen.
Damit sind enorm große Möglichkeiten, aber auch einige Herausforderungen verbunden.
Bestens gerüstet für den Arbeitsmarkt von morgen
Der Bachelor-Studiengang International Business Management geht gezielt auf diese Anforderungen ein. Sie beschäftigen sich damit, wie Sie Unternehmen zukunftsgerichtet führen und weiterentwickeln können. Sie lernen, Projekte und Kooperationen national und international erfolgreich aufzubauen und zu leiten.
Im Studium liegt der Fokus auf der internationalen Geschäftstätigkeit, wobei sich das Erlernte natürlich genauso am heimischen Markt anwenden lässt. Wir bereiten unsere Studierenden auf das Handling komplexer Situationen vor, damit sie Herausforderungen aller Art gekonnt begegnen können und Lösungsansätze und -strategien zur Hand haben.
Während des gesamten Studiums spielt das Erlernen und Trainieren von Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen, die Ihnen im Berufsalltag einen klaren Vorteil verschaffen, eine wichtige Rolle. Die Skill-Module sind dabei mit den Lern-Modulen eng abgestimmt: Sie erlernen in Theorie und Übung zum Beispiel Verhandlungen und Vertragsabschluss, Konflikt- und Forderungsmanagement, machen sich fit für Audits und Budgetierung und bekommen wertvolle Inputs für Zielgespräche, Leistungsfeststellung und Mitarbeiterführung.
Internationaler Fokus ab der ersten Minute
Darüber hinaus ist uns der Aspekt des internationalen und interkulturellen Lernens sehr wichtig. Hier steht die persönliche Erfahrung, das persönliche Erleben, im Vordergrund. Das beginnt bereits mit der Internationalität zu Hause: Sie studieren mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus aller Welt und diskutieren in den Lehrveranstaltungen regelmäßig internationale Themen und Best Practices.
Darüber hinaus haben Sie die Möglichkeit, das 3. Semester im Ausland an einer unserer 170+ Partner-Universitäten zu verbringen, ohne im Studium Zeit zu verlieren. Auch im 4. Semester geht es international weiter: Sie arbeiten für ein Semester bei einem praktikumsgebenden Unternehmen Ihrer Wahl im Ausland.
Gemeinsam mit der Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland als auch der KEDGE Business School - Campus Bordeaux, France bieten wir ein Dual Degree an. Zusätzlich zum Bachelor of Arts am IMC Krems kann Ihnen der Abschluss unserer Partner-Hochschule verliehen werden.
Des Weiteren gibt es die Möglichkeit, ein Semester an einem unserer internationalen Standorte – Taschkent in Usbekistan, Sanya in China oder Hanoi in Vietnam – zu verbringen.
Betriebswirtschaft leicht erklärt
Die Betriebswirtschaftslehre befasst sich mit der Führung, Steuerung und Organisation von Unternehmen.
Anders ausgedrückt, beschreibt sie die Unternehmensvorgänge in Betrieben: Ziel ist es, die Aufgabenbereiche, Herangehensweisen und Zielsetzungen der einzelnen Unternehmensbereiche zu planen, durchzuführen und im Nachhinein zu analysieren.
Einige Teilbereiche der Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Marketing, Personalwesen, Logistik, Finanzierung, Rechnungswesen und Controlling.
Schwerpunkte: Internationales Wirtschaften
Im Bachelor-Studium International Business Management vermitteln wir Ihnen eine breite betriebswirtschaftliche Basis mit Fokus auf internationalen Aktivitäten.
Dadurch können Sie sich mit neuen und aktuellen Geschäftsmodellen und mittels zeitgemäßen Agierens optimal auf Chancen und Herausfordergen der immer dynamischeren Märkte vorbereiten.
Was sind die wichtigsten Schritte für eine gelungene Internationalisierung? Zuerst müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie Ihr Gegenüber verstehen, und auch mögliche kulturelle Unterschiede in Betracht ziehen. Der 2. Schritt besteht darin, eine Beziehung aufzubauen, um Verträge oder Abkommen erfolgreich abzuschließen und Risiken bewusst zu managen. Zum Schluss geht es darum, die eigentlichen Geschäfte umzusetzen, allfällige Probleme zu beheben und auf dem geschaffenen Erfolg weiter aufzubauen.
Wie wichtig die internationale Wirtschaft für Österreich ist, lässt sich an den folgenden Zahlen ablesen: Die Anzahl an exportierenden Unternehmen hat sich von 12.500 im Jahr 2000 auf über 60.000 bis heute erhöht. Gleichzeitig werden 60 % des Bruttoinlandsprodukts durch Exporte erwirtschaftet. Viele Unternehmen exportieren mehr als 90 % der erzeugten Waren und Dienstleistungen und könnten am österreichischen Binnenmarkt allein gar nicht existieren.
Umgekehrt profitieren wir auch von Importen wie klassischerweise Bananen und Kaffee, aber genauso beispielsweise in den Bereichen Energie, Computer und Software.
In Österreich haben viele internationale Organisationen (wie die Vereinten Nationen, OPEC, OSCE etc.) ihr Hauptquartier. Aber auch viele internationale Unternehmen haben in Österreich ihre Zentrale für Europa oder Südosteuropa eingerichtet.
" Im Studium können Sie zudem Ihre Interessen ausloten. Sie erhalten einen fundierten Einblick in verschiedene Branchen und Abteilungen und erkennen unternehmensinterne und externe Zusammenhänge. Außenhandel, Marketing und Vertrieb, Human Resources, Projektgeschäft oder doch lieber Logistik? Setzen Sie den Schwerpunkt Ihres Studiums: durch den Fokus Ihres Praktikumssemesters, durch die Spezialisierungen und durch das Thema Ihrer Bachelor-Arbeit. "
Studiengangsleiter Christopher Schwand
Erfolgskonzept: Theorie + Praxis
Das Studium umfasst 3 Säulen:
- 1
1. Die Grundlagen
In den Semestern 1-2
Zu Beginn Ihres Studiums verschaffen Sie sich einen Überblick über Betriebswirtschaft und Volkswirtschaft und das nachhaltige Handeln im Geschäftsleben. Sie beschäftigen sich mit Fächern wie Marketing, Personalmanagement, Rechnungswesen, Logistik und Recht. Immer im Hinterkopf: die Chancen und Herausforderungen, die Internationalisierung und der internationale Handel mit sich bringen. So starten wir bereits im ersten Semester mit einer virtuellen Reise rund um die Welt, mit verschiedensten Produkten und Wirtschaftssektoren.
Ein weiterer Kernpunkt ist dabei die Sensibilisierung für kulturelle Unterschiede. Im Studium entwickeln Sie Ansätze für die Zusammenarbeit in heterogenen Teams. Sie können außerdem eine weitere Fremdsprache wählen – zur Auswahl stehen Chinesisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch und Spanisch.
- 2
2. Die Erfahrungen im Ausland
In den Semestern 3-4
Fortgeschrittene Sprachkenntnisse und ein Gespür für interkulturelle Gepflogenheiten sind wichtige Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche internationale Karriere.
Während des Studiums erlernen oder verbessern Sie – zusätzlich zu den regulären Kursen in englischer Sprache – Ihre gewählte, zusätzliche Fremdsprache. Sie verbringen im 4. Semester Ihr Praktikumssemester im Ausland. Hier bekommen Sie praktische Einblicke in die Arbeitsweise und Funktion erfolgreicher Unternehmen. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit, im 3. Semester ein Auslandssemester an einer unserer 170+ Partner-Universitäten zu absolvieren. Feel the international spirit!
- 3
3. Die Vertiefung
In den Semestern 5-6
Beste Karriereaussichten: Die Spezialisierungen – oder Electives – im 5. und 6. Semester machen es möglich. Von Entrepreneurship über Nachhaltigkeit, Digitalisierung und Augmented Reality (AI), Handel, Projektmanagement bis Auslandsmärkte, Internationale Organisationen und der diplomatische Dienst – setzen Sie Ihren eigenen Interessen entsprechend Schwerpunkte. Sie entscheiden sich für eine der Spezialisierungen.
In den Wahlfächern werden die Instrumente und Tools, die Sie sich während des Studiums angeeignet haben, themenübergreifend verknüpft und anhand von Projekten und praktischen Beispielen angewandt.
Außerdem entscheiden Sie sich für eine der drei Spezialisierungen, die sich mit verschiedenen Export-Szenarien beschäftigen – mit dem Export von Rohstoffen und Waren, mit dem Export von Dienstleistungen, mit Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) und sogenannten Megaprojekten.
In aufbauenden Lehrveranstaltungen vertiefen Sie Ihr betriebswirtschaftliches und rechtliches Wissen und verbessern Ihre Fähigkeiten auf dem Gebiet der Computer- und Softwareanwendungen. Darüber hinaus trainieren Sie Ihre Soft Skills – und beschäftigen sich hier zum Beispiel mit Verhandlungstechniken.
Was wird Sie im Studium genau erwarten? Der Studienplan gibt Ihnen eine Übersicht.
Klicken Sie auf die einzelnen Lehrveranstaltungen um nähere Informationen zu erhalten.
Course SWS ECTS Sustainable Management and Entrepreneurship Principles of Management 2 3 Principles of Management
Module: Sustainable Management and EntrepreneurshipRoot module: Sustainable Management and EntrepreneurshipSemester: 1 Course code: B_POM1VO Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Management history and the development of management theories and concepts
- Managerial levels, skills a manager needs, tasks a manager performs, roles a manager plays
- Key business administration concepts, efficiency principle (efficiency and effectiveness), minimum and maximum principles
- The business environment – stakeholders and stakeholder management· Company vision and mission
- Business administration in an academic context: Taylorism, PIMS model; principles and examples of scientific research in management,
- Overview of company functions: Management definitions and principles of management (the 4 management functions: planning, organizing, leading, controlling); Marketing - Basics and Principles, e.g. The 4 Ps
- Basics and Principles of Production, Procurement and Logistics; Investment, Finance and Accounting
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain the 4 management functions: planning, organizing, leading, controlling,
- explain key business administration concepts, such as the efficiency principle and minimum and maximum principles,
- give an overview of company functions (management, controlling, marketing, procurement, production, investment, finance, accounting),
- analyse a business environment and understand how different stake-holders of an organisation have to be taken care of,
- give examples of a company’s vision and mission,
- explain different managerial levels, skills a manager needs, tasks a manager performs and roles a manager plays,
- explain the milestones in management history and the development of management theories and concepts,
- explain business administration in an academic context as well as basic concepts and theories used in scientific research on management.
Sustainability and Ethics in Leadership 1 1 Sustainability and Ethics in Leadership
Module: Sustainable Management and EntrepreneurshipRoot module: Sustainable Management and EntrepreneurshipSemester: 1 Course code: B_SEL1VO Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 1Course Content:- Current social, ecological and economic trends
- Principles and history of the concept of sustainable development
- Business ethics and its application in companies
- Leadership and its role in addressing future challenges in our society
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain practical tools for leadership, sustainability and ethics, discuss their role in business contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals,
- reflect on values and further conditions necessary for sustainable leadership.
Entrepreneurship 1 2 Entrepreneurship
Module: Sustainable Management and EntrepreneurshipRoot module: Sustainable Management and EntrepreneurshipSemester: 1 Course code: ESP1ILV Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Exploring Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- The role of entrepreneurs
- Business opportunities
- Business models
- Business plan
- Startup and Growth management
- Resourcing the business and getting started
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- Explain the concept of entrepreneurship in the context of different strategies (formation, change/growth, succession)
- Differentiate major theories and models of entrepreneurship and innovation management and apply to the analysis of case study problems
- Examine the importance of ethics and integrity in entrepreneurship and how to act in an ethical manner
- Produce business models from ideas and write business plans
International Business I International Marketing and Sales 2 3 International Marketing and Sales
Module: International Business IRoot module: International Business ISemester: 1 Course code: IMS1VO Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Fundamentals of marketing (concepts, development, tasks, marketing environment, individual and organisational consumer behaviour, discussion of homo economicus)
- Introduction to strategic marketing (market segmentation, targeting, positioning strategies, strategic marketing management)
- Operational marketing (product policy and marketing services, distribution policy, communications policy, price policy)
- Corporate communications with a special focus on internal and external PR
- Marketing plans, application of terminology and fundamental concepts to real marketing problems to provide an integrated overview
- Analysis of companies and problems using case studies and presentation of results and recommendations
- Examination of marketing decisions from a management perspective
- Focus on the interface between marketing and sales
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- illustrate the application of modern marketing as an integrated business function and explain basic marketing concepts,
- differentiate between the marketing of consumer goods and investment goods,
- describe relevant product and service elements, taking knowledge of consumer behaviour into account,
- describe the interface between marketing and sales,
- explain and evaluate marketing decisions from a managerial perspective.
Doing Business Abroad: Exporting and Importing 2 3 Doing Business Abroad: Exporting and Importing
Module: International Business IRoot module: International Business ISemester: 1 Course code: BAE1WK Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Uppsala model of internationalization (direct and indirect export, licensing models)
- Overview of near-by economic regions that are currently most significant from a national perspective, their growth and development and the links between them (in the past and in terms of future expectations, including current forecasts)
- Trade and trade opportunities with neighbouring countries
- Simple transport and sales structures
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- identify nearby economic regions and blocs which are most significant from a national perspective, and summarize them from an economic, geographical, historical and cultural perspective,
- identify main export markets for the national economy, and explain their economic significance,
- illustrate basic structures and relationships between economic regions,
- interpret the balance of trade of different countries,
- plan and implement simple market entry strategies.
Accounting and Finance I Accounting I 2 4 Accounting I
Module: Accounting and Finance IRoot module: Accounting and Finance ISemester: 1 Course code: AC11ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 4Course Content:- Introduction to accounting (Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Finance)
- Fundamentals of financial accounting
- Major financial statements
- Accounting structure and accounting cycle
- Double-entry bookkeeping
- Posting of common business transactions
- Value added tax
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- explain the principles of financial accounting and the interaction of key areas of the accounting system,
- explain the basic terms of the major financial statements,
- explain the accounting cycle and accounting structure,
- apply double-entry bookkeeping as a tool for documentation and information in a company.
Intercultural Competence and Self Reflection Training Intercultural Competence and Self Reflection 2 2 Training Intercultural Competence and Self Reflection
Module: Intercultural Competence and Self ReflectionRoot module: Intercultural Competence and Self ReflectionSemester: 1 Course code: ICS1WK Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Relevance of cultural knowledge for business
- Key cultural dimensions and their impact on business
- Developing cultural intelligence, empathy and adaptability
- Strategies for effective intercultural communication and collaboration
- Addressing intercultural misunderstandings and conflicts
- Intercultural negotiation techniques
- Creating a culture assimilator
- Application of intercultural competence in real-world settings
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain intercultural influences on communication and company management,
- Identify cultural dimensions and their impact on communication and management practices,
- discuss problems that arise due to cultural differences between individuals and groups in an international project or international company, and develop approaches to resolve such problems,
- describe the main models of intercultural management,
- develop strategies for effective communication and collaboration across cultural boundaries,
- recognize the challenges associated with intercultural misunderstandings and conflicts,
- carry out negotiations effectively in intercultural environments,
- autonomously develop and apply their understanding of intercultural communication by designing a culture assimilator to facilitate the cultural learning of others,
- apply intercultural competence skills in simulated business settings, such as work, travel, and social interactions,
- eflect and analyse their behaviour and their reactions to feelings,
- differentiate and select effective learning strategies.
Rhetoric and Presentation 1 1 Rhetoric and Presentation
Module: Intercultural Competence and Self ReflectionRoot module: Intercultural Competence and Self ReflectionSemester: 1 Course code: B_RAP1WK Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 1Course Content:- Prepare and structure a convincing business presentation
- Handling of different media in a professional way
- Guiding audience attention, manage interruptions and objections
- Use of voice and diction to raise attention levels, dramatic pauses and key gestures to reinforce arguments
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- create and structure a professional business presentation,
- master a verity of media to improve performance and impact,
- show vocal abilities to get attention and support arguments,
- demonstrate efficient rhetoric tools to get the point across.
Scientific Methods and Tools I Foundations of Empirical Social Research 1 1 Foundations of Empirical Social Research
Module: Scientific Methods and Tools IRoot module: Scientific Methods and Tools ISemester: 1 Course code: B_ESR1VO Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 1Course Content:Fundamentals of Philosophy of Science
- Induction, deduction
- Gain of knowledge, logical conclusions
- Theory, model, concept
- Research questions, hypotheses
- Ethics in research
Methods overview
- Qualitative & quantitative methods (surveys, experiments, overviews, interviews, focus groups)
- Quality criteria of scientific measurements (reliability, validity)
- Constructs and operationalisation
- Method combination
- Sampling
Basic principles of scientific work
- Process of scientific research processes, in particular topic identification, research questions and method selection
- Citation standards, source research and criticism
- Development of scientific work
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
Design and methods:
- explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative methods and research approaches and their quality criteria,
- clearly identify the main components of a series of qualitative and quantitative methods, to explain their application and the combination of different methods,
- to name ethical standards of scientific research
Sampling and measurement:
- define different sampling methods,
- to explain the basics of the measurement of constructs
Procedure and the process of the survey:
- to present the different phases of the research process,
- find suitable literature for a scientific work and cite sources,
- to explain the standard structure of a scientific work.
Qualitative Research Methods 2 2 Qualitative Research Methods
Module: Scientific Methods and Tools IRoot module: Scientific Methods and Tools ISemester: 1 Course code: QLR1ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Introduction to qualitative research
- Qualitative Data collection techniques (interviews, focus groups, qualitative observation, document analysis)
- Data collection techniques (interviews, focus groups, qualitative observation, document analysis)
- Data analysis and interpretation - Developing and Applying Codes (open, axial, selective) and identfying themes, patterns and relationships
- Selecting and utilizing qualitative research software
- apply the principles of academic research in the preparation of seminar and bachelor papers, and address research questions using qualitative methods
- Presenting qualitative information, writing qualitative research reports
- Aplicationas of qualitative research methods in business Scientific Community, original ideas, original content and intellectual property
- The qualitative interview
- Rational argumentation
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- develop research questions for business research problems,
- explain and apply different approaches to the analysis of qualitative data e.g. content analysis and narrative analysis,
- explain the role of qualitative research in business,
- conduct a qualitative interview.
Business Mathematics Business Mathematics - Theory 1 2 Business Mathematics - Theory
Module: Business MathematicsRoot module: Business MathematicsSemester: 1 Course code: B_BMT1VO Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Number formats
- Common units
- Levels of measurement
- Common business calculations
- Fundamentals of business mathematics with a special focus on modelling
- Fundamentals of financial mathematics
- Importance of fractions and ratios in business
- Line charts and logarithmic scaling
- Integral and differential calculus numerical and graphical approach
- Probability and random numbers
- Mathematical optimisation
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- select and utilise numbers, measurements and units in the proper format,
- describe common business calculations as well as their objectives,
- discuss profitability in context of price elasticity,
- explain the value of money,
- discuss probability estimates,
- describe the use of ratios,
- interpret time series data,
- discuss the use and pitfalls of mathematical optimisation.
Business Mathematics - Exercises 1 2 Business Mathematics - Exercises
Module: Business MathematicsRoot module: Business MathematicsSemester: 1 Course code: B_BME1UE Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 2Course Content:Exercises to apply the contents of the lecture “Business Mathematics – Theory” to course-specific problems. Utilisation of:
- Number formats, common units
- Levels of measurement
- Common business calculations
- Fundamentals of business mathematics with a special focus on modelling
- Fundamentals of financial mathematics
- Importance of fractions and ratios in business
- Line charts and logarithmic scaling
- Integral and differential calculus numerical and graphical approach
- Probability and Random Numbers
- Integral and differential calculus numerical and graphical approach
- Mathematical optimisation
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- select and utilise numbers, measurements and units in the proper format,
- independently perform fundamental business mathematics in context of business problems,
- perform and interpret break even analysis,
- discuss profitability in context of price elasticity,
- explain the time value of money,
- compound and discount cash flows,
- work with probability estimates,
- use ratios and fractions to assess situations,
- explore and analyse time series data.
French I (Level A1) ** French I (Level A1) ** 3 4 French I (Level A1) **
Module: French I (Level A1) **Root module: French I (Level A1) **Semester: 1 Course code: V_FR111ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Welcome and introducing yourself
- Information about yourself and your family
- Conversation at the restaurant
- Locations and giving directions
- Offering and accepting invitations
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand familiar words and very basic phrases relating to themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings,
- answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics,
- read very short, simple texts and write short, simple notes and messages in everyday situations.
French I (Level B1) ** French I (Level B1) ** 3 4 French I (Level B1) **
Module: French I (Level B1) **Root module: French I (Level B1) **Semester: 1 Course code: V_FR211ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The French economy, current developments and future
- French regions
- Companies and their characteristics
- Business career
- Negotiation
- French society and culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- write clear detailed texts on a variety of economic subjects concerning the field of companies,
- understand the information of the majority of audio-visual material on topics of economic or personal interest,
- read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to economic matters,
- communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and non-routinematters related to their interests and professional field,
- apply the most important conventions concerning the body language and social behavior of the French speaking world,
- acquire knowledge, awareness and understanding of the relation (similarities and distinctive differences) between the ‘world of origin’ and the ‘world of the target community'.
Spanish I (Level A1) ** Spanish I (Level A1) ** 3 4 Spanish I (Level A1) **
Module: Spanish I (Level A1) **Root module: Spanish I (Level A1) **Semester: 1 Course code: V_SP111ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Welcome and introducing yourself
- Information about yourself and your family
- Making plans and leisure activitiess
- Locations and giving directions
- Shopping· Conversation at the restaurant
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand familiar words and very basic phrases relating to themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings,
- answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics,
- read very short, simple texts and write short, simple notes and messages in everyday situations.
Spanish I (Level B1) ** Spanish I (Level B1) ** 3 4 Spanish I (Level B1) **
Module: Spanish I (Level B1) **Root module: Spanish I (Level B1) **Semester: 1 Course code: V_SP211ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The Spanish economy, current developments and future
- Spanish regions
- Companies and their characteristics
- Business career
- Negotiation
- Spanish society and culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- write clear detailed texts on a variety of economic subjects concerning the field of companies,
- understand the information of the majority of audio-visual material on topics of economic or personal interest,
- read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to economic matters,
- communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and non-routinematters related to their interests and professional field,
- apply the most important conventions concerning the body language and social behavior of the Spanish speaking world,
- acquire knowledge, awareness and understanding of the relation (similarities and distinctive differences) between the ‘world of origin’ and the ‘world of the target community'.
Italian I (Level A1) ** Italian I (Level A1) ** 3 4 Italian I (Level A1) **
Module: Italian I (Level A1) **Root module: Italian I (Level A1) **Semester: 1 Course code: V_IT11ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Welcome and introducing yourself
- Information about yourself and your family
- Conversation at the restaurant
- Locations and giving directions
- Offering and accepting invitations
- Talking about leisure time activities
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand familiar words and very basic phrases relating to themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings,
- answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics,
- read very short, simple texts and write short, simple notes and messages in everyday situations.
German I (Level B1) ** German I (Level B1) ** 3 4 German I (Level B1) **
Module: German I (Level B1) **Root module: German I (Level B1) **Semester: 1 Course code: V_GE211ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The German and Austrian economy, current developments and future
- German and Austrian regions
- Companies and their characteristics
- Business career
- Negotiation
- German and Austrian society and culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages.
Chinese I (Level A1) ** Chinese I (Level A1) ** 3 4 Chinese I (Level A1) **
Module: Chinese I (Level A1) **Root module: Chinese I (Level A1) **Semester: 1 Course code: V_CH11ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Greetings and leave-taking
- Information about yourself and your family
- Chinese zodiac signs
- Expressing thanks and apologies
- Making appointments· Simple descriptions of people· Levels of formality (politeness)· Language structures
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand familiar words and very basic phrases relating to themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings,
- answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics,
- read very short, simple texts and write short, simple notes and messages in everyday situations.
German I (Level A1) ** German I (Level A1) ** 3 4 German I (Level A1) **
Module: German I (Level A1) **Root module: German I (Level A1) **Semester: 1 Course code: V_GE111ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Welcome and introducing yourself
- Information about yourself and your family
- Conversation at the restaurant
- Locations and giving directions
- Offering and accepting invitations
- Locations and giving directions
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand familiar words and very basic phrases relating to themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings,
- answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics,
- read very short, simple texts and write short, simple notes and messages in everyday situations.
Course SWS ECTS HR and People Management Human Resource Management and Career Development 2 3 Human Resource Management and Career Development
Module: HR and People ManagementRoot module: HR and People ManagementSemester: 2 Course code: HRC2ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Fundamentals and the organization of HR management
- Personnel requirement and planning
- Recruiting and selecting personnel
- Development of personnel
- Laying of personnel
- Payment systems: Reward, Performance and Rewarding Performance
- Selected issues from skilled worker shortage, employer branding, retention management, skills management, diversity management, New Work
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain current developments and trends in (international) human resource management practice
- explain different staff recruitment tools and justify their implementation
- reflect the recruiting and selection process
- explain the principles of personnel development and its impact on sustainability and ethics
- explain reasons for lay-offs and suggest options of making adequate redundancies
- analyse a job ad and carry out a job application
Group Dynamics 1 1 Group Dynamics
Module: HR and People ManagementRoot module: HR and People ManagementSemester: 2 Course code: B_GDS2WK Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 1Course Content:- Group dynamics in a business environment
- Difference between a group and a productive team
- Influences of actions and inaction
- Benefits of a strong and diverse team
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- categorise the different roles in a group and explain what effect they have,
- illustrate, understand and improve communication processes within groups,
- use tools and methods to support their team,
- identify how a diverse group can turn into a successful team.
International Business II Procurement, Production and Logistics 2 3 Procurement, Production and Logistics
Module: International Business IIRoot module: International Business IISemester: 2 Course code: PPL2ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Concepts, significance and fundamentals of operations, production, procurement and logistics
- Introduction to supply chain management
- Materials management, including warehousing, stock levels, inventory valuation, and production planning
- Transport, including transport processes, alternative forms of transport and transport optimisation
- Organisation, including purchasing procedures and strategies
- Practical problems and business optimisation such as route planning and packing optimisation
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain the basic concepts behind operations, production, procurement and logistics in an international context,
- independently identify, exemplify and apply solutions to typical scheduling difficulties facing logistics managers,
- identify and categorize solutions for basic problems in materials management and production planning.
Doing Business Abroad: FDI 2 3 Doing Business Abroad: FDI
Module: International Business IIRoot module: International Business IISemester: 2 Course code: BAF2ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Models of internationalisation (Franchise, Joint venture, Brownfield, Greenfield)
- Future economic regions (growth, development, and links between them)
- Overseas trade and trade opportunities
- (Free) trade agreements
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- describe main future economic regions, and explain them from an economic, geographical, historical and cultural perspective,
- illustrate basic structures and relationships between economic regions,
- determine the main potential export markets for the national economy, and explain their economic significance,
- analyse and discuss the balance of trade of different countries,
- identify and determine difficulties associated with complex overseas-market entry strategies.
Accounting and Finance II Accounting II 2 3 Accounting II
Module: Accounting and Finance IIRoot module: Accounting and Finance IISemester: 2 Course code: AC22VO Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Financial corporate reporting duties and statements
- Financial analysis of a service company from a potential investor and shareholder perspective (financial health, value, growth potential)
- Financial analysis of a manufacturing company from a potential investor and shareholder perspective (financial health, value, growth potential)
- Financial analysis in a B-to-B supplier-buyer relationship (both perspectives) in the manufacturing sector (especially financial health)
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- Identify and illustrate corporate reporting duties,
- Carry out a finanical analysis of a service company from a potential investor and from a shareholder perspective,
- Carry out a financial analysis of a manufacturing company form potential investor and a shareholder perspective,
- Carry out a financial analysis from of a B-t-B supplier-buyer relationship (both perspectives) in the manufactoring secto.r
Economics I Microeconomics 2 3 Microeconomics
Module: Economics IRoot module: Economics ISemester: 2 Course code: B_MIE2VO Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Basics (scarcity, positive vs. normative, micro- vs. macroeconomics, opportunity costs, sunk costs, economic principle)
- Consumer choice:
- Budget
- Preferences and Utility
- Income and substitution effect
- Individual demand
- Market demand
- Elasticities (price elasticity of demand, cross-price elasticity, income elasticity)
- Producer Choice:
- Production Technology
- Short run vs. long run
- Determination of costs
- Profit maximization
- Individual and market supply, elasticity
- Market:
- Market equilibrium
- Welfare analysis (consumer surplus, producer surplus)
- Market interventions: price floor and price ceiling
- Types of competition, esp. perfect competition and monopoly
- Market failures and public sector:
- Externalities
- Public goods
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- explain and examine consumer behavior and solve graphically the utility maximization problem including the impact of price and income changes on the consumption choice,
- explain and examine behavior of the firm and solve graphically and mathematically the profit maximization problem under perfect competition and monopoly,
- determine graphically and mathematically the consumer and producer surplus as well as how those are affected by price floors and price ceilings as well as changes resulting from monopolies,
- explain and analyze market failure and the role of the government,
- explain and analyze different policies from an economic perspective.
Scientific Methods and Tools II Quantitative Research Methods 2 3 Quantitative Research Methods
Module: Scientific Methods and Tools IIRoot module: Scientific Methods and Tools IISemester: 2 Course code: QNR2PS Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Academic writing and quality checks
- Rational argumentation
- Quantitative research methods
- Measurement Theory
- Sampling and statistical power
- Data Sources and Errors
- Evidence-based analysis
- Application of statistical tests
- Formulating arguments based on empirical research in academic papers
- Approaches to research methods and their application in the social sciences and business studies
- Discussion of research methodology
- Utilising software for qualitative analysis
- Compiling academic papers
- Contextualisation and Reflection
- Collaborative works
- Review and Publishing Proces
- Scientific Community, original ideas, original content and intellectual property
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course, students are able to:
- independently apply the principles of academic research in the preparation of seminar and bachelor papers,
- differentiate and select quantitative research methods,
- design and implement preliminary empirical research projects,
- analyse the results of their research,
- explain and discuss academic work.
Principles of Business Data Analysis 2 3 Principles of Business Data Analysis
Module: Scientific Methods and Tools IIRoot module: Scientific Methods and Tools IISemester: 2 Course code: B_BDA2ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Data collection, formatting, formulas, functions, charts, data lists and pivot tables
- Interaction with relational data sources, form controls
- Working with a spreadsheet program
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain the relationship with relational databases,
- using a spreadsheet program to solve economic problems using formulas, functions and diagrams.
Business Statistics Business Statistics - Theory 1 2 Business Statistics - Theory
Module: Business StatisticsRoot module: Business StatisticsSemester: 2 Course code: B_BST2VO Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Fundamental statistics concepts, univariate data description, bivariate data description and multivariate methods
- Measures of central tendency and variance
- Fundamentals of probability calculation, and theoretical distribution
- Binomial and standard normal distribution
- Z-Score/base**s
- Sampling and sampling error, Sources of Bias and Error
- Measures of reliability
- Validity
- Estimation methods
- Statistical tests
- Regression analysis
- Visualisation and interpretation of data
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- select the proper level of measurement and design a sample,
- discuss the use and interpretation of statistics
- differentiate validity and reliability,
- discuss measures of central tendency and variance,
- interpret z-scores,
- describe the use of ratios,
- explain different sources of bias,
- explain the application and limitation of simple linear regression.
Business Statistics - Exercises 1 2 Business Statistics - Exercises
Module: Business StatisticsRoot module: Business StatisticsSemester: 2 Course code: B_BSE2UE Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Fundamental statistics concepts, univariate data description, bivariate data description and multivariate methods
- Measures of central tendency and variance
- Fundamentals of probability calculation, and theoretical distribution
- Binomial and standard normal distribution
- Z-Score/base**s
- Sampling and sampling error, Sources of Bias and Error
- Measures of reliability
- Validity
- Estimation methods
- Statistical tests
- Regression analysis
- Visualisation and interpretation of data
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- select the proper level of measurement and design a sample,
- discuss the use and interpretation of statistics,
- differentiate validity and reliability,
- discuss measures of central tendency and variance,
- interpret z-scores,
- describe the use of ratios,
- explain different sources of bias,
- explain the application and limitation of simple linear regression.
French II (Level A2) ** French II (Level A2) ** 3 4 French II (Level A2) **
Module: French II (Level A2) **Root module: French II (Level A2) **Semester: 2 Course code: V_FR122ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A1.2/A2.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking
- Information about your family
- Daily routine
- Conversation at the restaurant
- Grocery shopping
- Talking about events in the past
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand familiar words and phrases relating to themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings,
- answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics,
- read short, simple texts and write short, simple notes and messages in everyday situations.
French II (Level B1) ** French II (Level B1) ** 3 4 French II (Level B1) **
Module: French II (Level B1) **Root module: French II (Level B1) **Semester: 2 Course code: V_FR222ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The French economy, current developments and future
- World of work and its topics and terminology
- Business correspondence
- Economic sectors
- French society and culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life,
- apply the most important conventions concerning the body language and social behavior of the French speaking world,
- acquire knowledge, awareness and understanding of the relation (similarities and distinctive differences) between the ‘world of origin’ and the ‘world of the target community'.
Spanish II (Level A2) ** Spanish II (Level A2) ** 3 4 Spanish II (Level A2) **
Module: Spanish II (Level A2) **Root module: Spanish II (Level A2) **Semester: 2 Course code: V_SP122ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A1.2/A2.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Information about your family
- Daily routine
- Conversation at the restaurant
- Grocery shopping
- Talking about events in the past· Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand familiar words and phrases relating to themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings,
- answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics,
- read short, simple texts and write short, simple notes and messages in everyday situations.
Spanish II (Level B1) ** Spanish II (Level B1) ** 3 4 Spanish II (Level B1) **
Module: Spanish II (Level B1) **Root module: Spanish II (Level B1) **Semester: 2 Course code: V_SP222ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The Spanish economy, current developments and future
- World of work and its topics and terminology
- Business correspondence· Economic sectors· Spanish society and culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life,
- apply the most important conventions concerning the body language and social behavior of the Spanish speaking world,
- acquire knowledge, awareness and understanding of the relation (similarities and distinctive differences) between the ‘world of origin’ and the ‘world of the target community'.
Italian II (Level A2) ** Italian II (Level A2) ** 3 4 Italian II (Level A2) **
Module: Italian II (Level A2) **Root module: Italian II (Level A2) **Semester: 2 Course code: V_IT22ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A1.2/A2.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Information about your family
- Daily routine
- Conversation at the hotel
- Grocery shopping
- Talking about events in the past
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand familiar words and phrases relating to themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings,
- answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics,
- read short, simple texts and write short, simple notes and messages in everyday situations.
German II (Level A2) ** German II (Level A2) ** 3 4 German II (Level A2) **
Module: German II (Level A2) **Root module: German II (Level A2) **Semester: 2 Course code: V_GE122ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A1.2/A2.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Information about your family
- Daily routine
- Conversation at the restaurant
- Grocery shopping
- Talking about events in the past· Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand familiar words and phrases relating to themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings,
- answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics,
- read short, simple texts and write short, simple notes and messages in everyday situations.
German II (Level B1) ** German II (Level B1) ** 3 4 German II (Level B1) **
Module: German II (Level B1) **Root module: German II (Level B1) **Semester: 2 Course code: V_GE222ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Information about your family
- Daily routine
- Conversation at the restaurant
- Grocery shopping
- Talking about events in the past
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand familiar words and phrases relating to themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings,
- answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics,
- read short, simple texts and write short, simple notes and messages in everyday situations.
Chinese II (Level A1/A2) ** Chinese II (Level A1/A2) ** 3 4 Chinese II (Level A1/A2) **
Module: Chinese II (Level A1/A2) **Root module: Chinese II (Level A1/A2) **Semester: 2 Course code: V_CH22ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 4Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A1.2/A2.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Information about your family
- Daily routine
- Conversation at the restaurant
- Grocery shopping
- Talking about events in the past
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context. Structure of Chinese writing and Chinese punctuation
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand familiar words and phrases relating to themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings,
- answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics,
- read short, simple texts and write short, simple notes and messages in everyday situations.
Course SWS ECTS Organisation Design and Corporate Management Organisational Theory and Development 2 3 Organisational Theory and Development
Module: Organisation Design and Corporate ManagementRoot module: Organisation Design and Corporate ManagementSemester: 3 Course code: OTD3VO Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Perspectives on Organizations
- Organizational Purpose and Structural Design
- Strategy, Organization Design, Effectiveness
- Open System Design Elements
- Internal Design Elements and Types of Companies
- Organization Size, Life Cycle and Decline
- Organizational Culture and Ethical Values - Conflict, Power and Politics
- Conflict, Power and Politics
- Organizational Development and Change
- Designing Interventions
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- identify and describe the elements of an organisation,
- differentiate between the various models of organisational setups and management systems,
- analyse the development of organisations,
- explain the concepts of organisational design and organisational development and apply them using case studies,
- explain perspectives regarding organization(s), their environment and organizational development,
- explain the importance of culture and diversity within the business environment,
- analyse organizational structures, cultures and politics in organizations,
- explain core and support processes, and discuss their importance in a company.
Processes, Audits and Reports in Purpose Driven Organisations 1.5 2 Processes, Audits and Reports in Purpose Driven Organisations
Module: Organisation Design and Corporate ManagementRoot module: Organisation Design and Corporate ManagementSemester: 3 Course code: PAR3WK Contact hours per week: 1.5 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Types of Audits: Financial, Operational, Forensic, Compliance, Technological, Social and Environmental
- Standard operating procedures (SOP)
- Quality Audits and Reports
- Project Audits and Reports
- Sustainability Audits and Report
- Aspects of IT and Security Reports
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- distinguish between core and support processes, and evaluate their importance in a company,
- explain purpose and structure of reports and audits,
- apply processes and SOPs in real-life examples.
International Business III International Project Management and Project Communication 2 3 International Project Management and Project Communication
Module: International Business IIIRoot module: International Business IIISemester: 3 Course code: IPM3WK Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Project management methodology (performance and cost planning, scheduling, stakeholder analysis, project organisation and project roles)
- Generic project processes: project commissioning, initiation, controlling, closing, risk management (risk analysis, action plans and risk control)
- Project structure planning and project flow charts
- Precedence diagram method and Gantt charts
- Critical path method
- Fundamentals of variations and claims management
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- describe project management tasks and perform the essential steps in the project planning process
- create simple project plans and evaluate project plans for complex projects
- identify various project stakeholders and carry out task-focused communications as appropriate for the target group
International Marketing Research and Market Entry 2 3 International Marketing Research and Market Entry
Module: International Business IIIRoot module: International Business IIISemester: 3 Course code: IMR3ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Research Design and Problem Formulation
- Data Collection Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
- Questionnaire Design and Measurement Scales
- Sampling Techniques
- Data Analysis: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
- Interpretation and Presentation of Research Findings
- Intercultural Issues in Marketing Research
- Consumer Behavior across Cultures
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain the role of international marketing research in global business decision-making,
- design and perform international marketing research using appropriate research methods,
- analyze and interpret data to make informed marketing decisions,
- evaluate the impact of intercultural issues on marketing research and consumer behavior,
- develop and present a marketing research project.
Accounting and Finance III Managerial Accounting/Controlling and Decision Making 2 3 Managerial Accounting/Controlling and Decision Making
Module: Accounting and Finance IIIRoot module: Accounting and Finance IIISemester: 3 Course code: MAC3ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Objectives of Managerial Accounting (Controlling)
- Full-costing approach and profitability, including variance analysis
- Marginal-costing approach (direct costing) and profitability, including variance analysis
- Revenue reporting forecasting and budgeting
- Budgeting cost
- Calculations
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- Illustrate the objectives and purpose of Managerial Accounting and can contrast Managerial Accounting objectives with Financial Reporting objectives
- Carry out profitability analysis based on the full-costing approach, including variance analysis
- Carry out profitability analysis based on the marginal-costing approach, including variance analysis
- Illustrate the principles and process of revenue reporting, forecasting and budgeting
- Illustrate the principles and process of cost budgeting
Finance and Investment 1.5 3 Finance and Investment
Module: Accounting and Finance IIIRoot module: Accounting and Finance IIISemester: 3 Course code: FAI3ILV Contact hours per week: 1.5 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Basics of finance and investment needs of a corporate organisation
- Corporate investment projects: Sources and evaluation techniques
- Corporate finance: Sources and related approaches
- Internal vs. Debt Financing
- Calculation of financial key figures
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:·
- illustrate sources of corporate investment projects,
- carry out investment projects evaluations by applying different techniques,
- illustrate sources of corporate finance· Justify investment decisions using various methods,
- use a range of financing tools, identify their pros and cons, and explain the specific characteristics of financial markets,
- describe and analyse cash flows associated with the financing tools covered on the course,
- depict optimal corporate finance options for a given business strategy or situation.
Crowd Funding and Alternative Finance 2 3 Crowd Funding and Alternative Finance
Module: Accounting and Finance IIIRoot module: Accounting and Finance IIISemester: 3 Course code: CFA3WK Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Economics II Macroeconomics 3 3 Macroeconomics
Module: Economics IIRoot module: Economics IISemester: 3 Course code: B_MAE3ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Macroeconomic goals and magic square
- Macroeconomic indicators (nominal and real GDP, CPI and GDP deflator, unemployment, Okun's Law, Phillips curve)
- The short run
- Goods market and the multiplier
- Financial markets
- IS-LM model
- Fiscal and monetary policy in the short run·
- The medium run
- Labor market
- AS-AD model
- Inflation and unemyploment
- Fiscal and monetary policy in the medium run
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- calculate/collect and interpret data on GDP, inflation, unemployment, and external balance,
- explain the circular flow model and recognize the phases of the business cycle,
- explain and analyse determinants of goods and financial markets at the aggregate level,
- analyse the effect of fiscal and monetary policies for the economy,
- identify determinants of economic growth over time,
- apply economic models to explain current and past macroeconomic trends and recognize appropriate macroeconomic policies.
Law, Contracts and Negotiation Principles of Law 2 2 Principles of Law
Module: Law, Contracts and NegotiationRoot module: Law, Contracts and NegotiationSemester: 3 Course code: B_POL3VO Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Introduction to Public Law (Sources of law, hierarchical structure of legislation)
- Introduction to Private Law (Contract and liability law, natural and legal person)
- Introduction to European Union Law and Criminal Law
- The civil law system and the common law system
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain the role of law and the essential legal terms,
- explain the basics of the austrian and the european union legal system (leg-islative, executive and judicial branch of state)
- explain the basics of law, the role of law and the essential legal terms, and the legal framework in which companies act, and how legal costs, equality and ethics are related in different frameworks
- identify and explain the essentials of public law, private law and criminal law
Establishing Contracts and Negotiation 1.5 3 Establishing Contracts and Negotiation
Module: Law, Contracts and NegotiationRoot module: Law, Contracts and NegotiationSemester: 3 Course code: ECN3WK Contact hours per week: 1.5 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Negotiation theories
- Definition and explanation of roles
- Negotiation techniques including preparation and follow-up
- Cultural influences on the structure of discussions and negotiations
- Levels of human activity and activation· Ethical behaviour and other cultures
- Management skills in an international environment
- Distinction between the regulations for private and commercial contracts
- Types of contract: Tenancy agreements, Employment contracts, Sales contracts, Loan agreements, Memorandums of association, Management agreements
- Stages of the precontractual phase and conclusion of a contract
- Cancellation of a contrac
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain the theories, processes and methods employed in negotiations, conflict resolution and relationship management und understand the importance for leadership
- identify common myths and misunderstandings in the context of negotiations
- apply various negotiating techniques
- explain the ways in which culture affects negotiations and understand the implications for leadership and ethics
- apply theories in order to resolve conflicts in a cross-cultural setting
- describe and analyse the importance of differing value systems and expectations for negotiations in an international context
- identify basic elements of standard contracts
- explain the complex nature of various legal environments
- apply templates to draft standard contracts
French III (Level A2/A2+) ** French III (Level A2/A2+) ** 2 2 French III (Level A2/A2+) **
Module: French III (Level A2/A2+) **Root module: French III (Level A2/A2+) **Semester: 3 Course code: V_FR133ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A2.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Conversation practice
- Health and conversation at the doctor
- Education and profession
- World of work and its terminology
- Shopping situation
- Describing situations and habits in the past
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context (emphasis on past and future tenses)
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages.
French III (Level B1/B2) ** French III (Level B1/B2) ** 2 2 French III (Level B1/B2) **
Module: French III (Level B1/B2) **Root module: French III (Level B1/B2) **Semester: 3 Course code: V_FR233ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.2/B2.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The French economy, current developments and future
- Job description
- Curriculum vitae
- Conducting negotiations
- French society and culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life,
- give a clear and detailed description on a wide range of subjects related to their field of interest.
Spanish III (Level A2/A2+) ** Spanish III (Level A2/A2+) ** 2 2 Spanish III (Level A2/A2+) **
Module: Spanish III (Level A2/A2+) **Root module: Spanish III (Level A2/A2+) **Semester: 3 Course code: V_SP123ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A2.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Conversation practice
- Health and conversation at the doctor
- Education and profession
- World of work and its terminology
- Shopping situation
- Describing situations and habits in the past and in the future
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context (emphasis on past and future tenses)
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages.
Spanish III (Level B1/B2) ** Spanish III (Level B1/B2) ** 2 2 Spanish III (Level B1/B2) **
Module: Spanish III (Level B1/B2) **Root module: Spanish III (Level B1/B2) **Semester: 3 Course code: V_SP233ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.2/B2.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The Spanish economy, current developments and future
- Job description
- Curriculum vitae
- Conducting negotiations
- Spanish society and culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages
- enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life
- give a clear and detailed description on a wide range of subjects related to their field of interest
Italian III (Level A2/A2+) ** Italian III (Level A2/A2+) ** 2 2 Italian III (Level A2/A2+) **
Module: Italian III (Level A2/A2+) **Root module: Italian III (Level A2/A2+) **Semester: 3 Course code: V_IT33ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A2.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Conversation practice
- Health and conversation at the doctor· Education and profession· World of work and its terminology
- Shopping situation
- Describing situations and habits in the past and plans in the future
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context (emphasis on past and future tenses).
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages.
German III (Level A2/A2+) ** German III (Level A2/A2+) ** 2 2 German III (Level A2/A2+) **
Module: German III (Level A2/A2+) **Root module: German III (Level A2/A2+) **Semester: 3 Course code: V_GE133ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A2.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Conversation practice
- Health and conversation at the doctor
- Education and profession
- World of work and its terminology
- Shopping situation
- Describing situations and habits in the past
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context (emphasis on past and future tenses)
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages.
German III (Level B1/B2) ** German III (Level B1/B2) ** 2 2 German III (Level B1/B2) **
Module: German III (Level B1/B2) **Root module: German III (Level B1/B2) **Semester: 3 Course code: V_GE233ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.2/B2.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The German and Austrian economies, current developments and future
- Job description
- Curriculum vitae
- Conducting negotiations
- German society and culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life,
- give a clear and detailed description on a wide range of subjects related to their field of interest.
Chinese III (Level A2) ** Chinese III (Level A2) ** 2 2 Chinese III (Level A2) **
Module: Chinese III (Level A2) **Root module: Chinese III (Level A2) **Semester: 3 Course code: V_CH33ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Basic User (A2.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Conversation practice
- Health and conversation at the doctor
- Education and profession
- World of work and its terminology
- Shopping situation
- Chinese script structure
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context (emphasis on past and future tenses)
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages.
Course SWS ECTS Practical Training Practical Training (20 weeks à 32 hours per week) 0 26 Practical Training (20 weeks à 32 hours per week)
Module: Practical TrainingRoot module: Practical TrainingSemester: 4 Course code: PTR4BOPR Contact hours per week: 0 ECTS: 26Course Content:The Practical Training consists of a 20-week internship with full-time working (at least 32 hours per week). The internship is expected to be any kind of programme related field, and may be taken anywhere in the world. Host companies receive a briefing before the internship in case it is not clear what students are expected to gain from it.
Practical Training Coaching Seminar 1 2 Practical Training Coaching Seminar
Module: Practical TrainingRoot module: Practical TrainingSemester: 4 Course code: PTS4SE Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Pre- and post-internship self evaluation
- Extensive self-reflection by the students during and after the internship related to their own personal development in terms professional expertise and inter-personal skills, as well as on their desired future job areas, and their networking activities during the internship
- Preparation of a poster including the main outcomes of the self-reflection process
- Implementation of a professional social media presence on an appropriate plattform, sharing the main outcomes of the self-reflection process in an adequate manner
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- critically reflect and evaluate their personal experiences during the internship,
- determine their own preferences regarding future areas of work, including their revent internship experience,
- evaluate the potential of the field of work experiences in the internship is interesting enough to write their Bachelor paper.
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Business Artificial Intelligence Applications in Business 2 2 Artificial Intelligence Applications in Business
Module: Artificial Intelligence Applications in BusinessRoot module: Artificial Intelligence Applications in BusinessSemester: 4 Course code: AIB4ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Introduction to artificial intelligence applications in business
- Application of selected applications can in context of the work environment
- Data security and GDPR
- AI intergration and implementation in work processes
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- describe current developments and the speed of change in Artificial Intelligence with a focus on data, visualization and creative industries as well as the current developments of AI applications to improve the performance of business tasks and processes,
- analyse and combine the selected AI applications with the work environment in the PTS company to assess which technology has the potential for a significant performance improvement,
- identify use cases, opportunities and risks of AI applications and automated processes and interpret their importance for a specific business area.
Course SWS ECTS Business Foundation and Management Entrepreneurship and Starting a Company 2 3 Entrepreneurship and Starting a Company
Module: Business Foundation and ManagementRoot module: Business Foundation and ManagementSemester: 5 Course code: ESC5ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship in the context of various strategies, e.g. start-ups, change/growth and succession
- Requirements for successful entrepreneurship, e.g. business ideas/products, individual skills and context
- The identity model as a basis for planning business cases involving innovative products and business ideas – development and feasibility analyses, integration into founders‘ communities, framework conditions and networks
- Business plans and start-up organisation
- The start-up process and the interplay between product development and business model· Distribution systems and strategic alliances
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- define and explain the principles of entrepreneurial thinking and actions,
- describe the specific problems and challenges involved in starting a new company,
- explain the principles of entrepreneurial thinking and actions and apply them to defined cases,
- develop strategies and measures to drive forward the start-up process,
- create business plans and develop them in collaboration with other stakeholders,· clarify, present and develop product and business ideas.
Budgeting and Financial Management 2 3 Budgeting and Financial Management
Module: Business Foundation and ManagementRoot module: Business Foundation and ManagementSemester: 5 Course code: BFM5ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Financial planning as a key element of management control and business administration
- Budgets and Subbudgets
- Financial Statements
- Sources of finance
- Theory behind the integrated profit, financial and balance sheet planning system
- Implementaton and analysis of budgets and financial plans
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain the fundamental principles of budgeting, the functions of a budget and the relationship between short- and long-term planning,· independently develop cost plans for direct costs, variable overheads and fixed costs on the basis of a case study,
- describe the process of multi-stage planning using sub-budgets,
- prepare a performance budget using the cost of sales and nature of expense methods,
- independently prepare a financial plan using the direct and indirect methods, as well as a forecast balance sheet in the form of a statement of changes in financial position,
- analyse, interpret and evaluate performance budgets, financial plans and forecast balance sheets.
Key Account and Performance Management 2 2 Key Account and Performance Management
Module: Business Foundation and ManagementRoot module: Business Foundation and ManagementSemester: 5 Course code: KAP5ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Account management
- Relationship building
- Sales process
- Decision-making processes: individual vs team
- Preparing offers
- Preparing and conducting sales talks
- Addressing questions and dealing with concerns
- After-Sales Management
- Performance Assessment and Management
- Goal Setting and Work Breakdown
- Leadership roles and leadership styles
- Team organisation
- Communication and reporting
- Feedback Process
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain various sales approaches and differentatiate individual and group processes,
- structure the sales accounts,
- develop sale offers, talks and pitches,
- plan and explain work objectives and goals,
- implement performance metrics to measure goal achievementin financial position,
- assess performance and perform providing feedback.
International Business IV Foreign Trade Techniques: Export Risk Management 2 3 Foreign Trade Techniques: Export Risk Management
Module: International Business IVRoot module: International Business IVSemester: 5 Course code: FTT5ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- The context of foreign trade (analysis of the environment in which international companies operate, history and economic significance of foreign trade)
- Risks in foreign trade
- Contracts in foreign trade (from formulation to fulfilment, basic features and standard elements of export contracts)
- Application of international standards and Incoterms
- Complaint and complaint resolution management
- Foreign trade finance instruments I (documentary business and typical documents, factoring and forfaiting, export leasing, etc.)
- Risk management I (bank guarantees, private insurance market, overview of export credit agencies)
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain the potential risk factors involved in international business activities,
- explain the main elements of international sales, including the necessary documents and Incoterms,
- explain the main payment methods for international transactions,
- illustrate collaterals used in international trade (e.g. bank guarantees),
- compare the main instruments used in foreign trade finance,
- analyse risk minimisation options based on the risk profile for an export transaction and apply them to specific cases.
Supply Chain Management and Simulation 3 3 Supply Chain Management and Simulation
Module: International Business IVRoot module: International Business IVSemester: 5 Course code: SCM5ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Distinction between supply chain management and logisitics
- Approaches to supply chain management
- Networks as basic elements of supply chain management
- Materials flow analysis
- Supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model
- Supply chain management software
- Stakeholdermanagement in Supply Chain Managemt
- Supply Chain Simulation
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain and apply supply chain management concepts, discuss the relationship between different elements of supply chain management, and put them in context in international business,
- carry out material flow analysis, identify any problems and identify relevant solutiuons.
Tender and Contracting 2 3 Tender and Contracting
Module: International Business IVRoot module: International Business IVSemester: 5 Course code: TAC5WK Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Basic legal and organizational principles
- Calls for tenders and contract award procedures
- Tender process
- Contract formulation
- Roles in tender processes
- Timelines and required guarantees
- Risk magement for tender procresses
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- describe the main cooperation programmes between the EU and other economic regions,
- explain the main principles of an EU and international tender process,
- independently design the basic concept for preparing a bid for an (international) public call for tenders.
International Law and International Relations I International Relations and Geopolitical Affairs 2 2 International Relations and Geopolitical Affairs
Module: International Law and International Relations IRoot module: International Law and International Relations ISemester: 5 Course code: IRG5ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Theory of International Relations
- Actors in International Relations
- International Organisations
- International Peace and Security
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- describe and evaluate the relationships between the actors in international relations, and discuss their competing interests,
- examine the role of international organisations in international relations, particularly for striving towards international peace and security,
- explain and analyse how relations between international actors affect business decisions of companies acting transnationally.
International Business Law 1.5 2 International Business Law
Module: International Law and International Relations IRoot module: International Law and International Relations ISemester: 5 Course code: IBL5ILV Contact hours per week: 1.5 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Introduction to the Law governing business relations
- EU law, International Private Law
- Supply chain legislation
- conflicts and alternative dispute resolution
- (International) contracts (with a focus on CISG)
- Intellectual Property Law: Patent, Trade Mark, Design, and Trade Secrets
- Law of foreign investment and trade law
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- explain legal terminology,
- explain and differentiate legal issues arising in IBL,
- find solutions to minor legal problems using fundamental provisions of business law, take their specific features into account, and evaluate and justify their solutions,
- explain the process of transposing international law into national law,
- describe the challenges of conforming with applicable legal standards in the area of e-commerce.
Scientific Methods and Tools III Bachelor Seminar I 1 3 Bachelor Seminar I
Module: Scientific Methods and Tools IIIRoot module: Scientific Methods and Tools IIISemester: 5 Course code: BS15BASE Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Selected current issues in international business
- Scientific Research Paper Structure
- Information retrieval in international business research: databases and search strategies
- Research, analysis and assessment
- Reporting and presentation
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- apply research strategies to a problem at hand, bearing resource limitations in mind,
- evaluate various sources with respect to their quality and reliability, paying attention to new developments on the one, and outdated theories and sources on the other hand, in order to identify relevent theories and sources
- summarize and paraphrase effectively primary, secondary and tertiary sources in international business,
- apply different types of literature review strategies in the field of international business,
- discuss text content, rhetorical structure, and authors’ purposes from business research articles,
- produce a seminar paper that critically approaches problem at hand and discusses different points of view presented in the literature, based on the structure of a scientific paper (Title Page, Table of Contents, Introduction, Main Section, Conclusion, References).
French IV (Level A2/B1) ** French IV (Level A2/B1) ** 2 3 French IV (Level A2/B1) **
Module: French IV (Level A2/B1) **Root module: French IV (Level A2/B1) **Semester: 5 Course code: V_FR145ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (A2.2/B1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Reflection of internship
- Travel experience
- French Culture
- Application and Job Interview
- Phone Calls
- Situational dialogue in the work environment
- Acquisition of new grammatical structures in a professional context (emphasis on past and future tenses)
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- use the language to engage in conversation and present themselves and selected topics.
French IV (Level B2) ** French IV (Level B2) ** 2 3 French IV (Level B2) **
Module: French IV (Level B2) **Root module: French IV (Level B2) **Semester: 5 Course code: V_FR245ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B2.1/B2.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The French economy, current developments and future
- Presentation of a company (types, foundation, organization)
- Presentation of products and services
- The financial world and its terminology
- French society and culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes normal interaction with a native speaker quite possible.
Spanish IV (Level A2/B1) ** Spanish IV (Level A2/B1) ** 2 3 Spanish IV (Level A2/B1) **
Module: Spanish IV (Level A2/B1) **Root module: Spanish IV (Level A2/B1) **Semester: 5 Course code: V_SP145ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (A2.2/B1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Reflection of internship
- Travel experience
- Spanish Culture
- Application and Job Interview
- Phone Calls
- Situational Dialogue in the work environment
- Use of tenses (Past-Present-Future)
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- use the language to engage in conversation and present themselves and selected topics.
Spanish IV (Level B2) ** Spanish IV (Level B2) ** 2 3 Spanish IV (Level B2) **
Module: Spanish IV (Level B2) **Root module: Spanish IV (Level B2) **Semester: 5 Course code: V_SP245ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B2.1/B2.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The Spanish economy, current developments and future
- Presentation of a company (types, foundation, organization)
- Presentation of products and services
- The financial world and its terminology
- Spanish society and culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes normal interaction with a native speaker quite possible.
Italian IV (Level A2/B1) ** Italian IV (Level A2/B1) ** 2 3 Italian IV (Level A2/B1) **
Module: Italian IV (Level A2/B1) **Root module: Italian IV (Level A2/B1) **Semester: 5 Course code: V_IT45ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (A2.2/B1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Reflection of internship
- Travel experience
- Italian Culture
- Application and Job Interview
- Phone Calls
- Situational Dialogue in the work environment
- Use of tenses (Past-Future - Conditional)
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- use the language to engage in conversation and present themselves in selected topics.
German IV (Level A2/B1) ** German IV (Level A2/B1) ** 2 3 German IV (Level A2/B1) **
Module: German IV (Level A2/B1) **Root module: German IV (Level A2/B1) **Semester: 5 Course code: V_GE145ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (A2.2/B1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Reflection of internship
- Travel experience
- German Culture
- Application and Job Interview
- Phone Calls
- Situational Dialogue in the work environment
- Use of tenses (Past-Present-Future)
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- use the language to engage in conversation and present themselves and selected topics.
German IV (Level B2) ** German IV (Level B2) ** 2 3 German IV (Level B2) **
Module: German IV (Level B2) **Root module: German IV (Level B2) **Semester: 5 Course code: V_GE245ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B2.1/B2.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The German and Austrian economies, current developments and future
- Presentation of a company (types, foundation, organization)
- Presentation of products and services
- The financial world and its terminology
- German and Austrian society and culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- use the language to engage in conversation and present themselves and selected topics.
Chinese IV (Level A2+) ** Chinese IV (Level A2+) ** 2 3 Chinese IV (Level A2+) **
Module: Chinese IV (Level A2+) **Root module: Chinese IV (Level A2+) **Semester: 5 Course code: V_CH45ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (A2.2/B1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Reflection of internship
- Travel experience
- Chinese Culture
- Application and Job Interview
- Phone Calls
- Situational Dialogue in the work environment
- Use of tenses (Past-Present-Future)
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- use the language to engage in conversation and present themselves and selected topics.
Elective: Future Markets Elective: Future Markets 1 3 Elective: Future Markets
Module: Elective: Future MarketsRoot module: Elective: Future MarketsSemester: 5 Course code: EFM5WK Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Infrastructure, primary and secondary sectors in emerging markets
- Geopolitical changes and interests
- Development of the tertiary sector in emerging markets
- Market environment, market entry and security issues
- Digital market places
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- describe current developments and rapid changes as well as shifts in geopolitics, international trade and infrastructure projects like sustainable cities and sustainable transport,
- analyse and combine specific regional knowledge with fundamental expertise in International Economics, and International Management and Business,
- identify market opportunities in developing countries especially related to the new technology and sustainable infrastructure and new trading platforms and entrepreneurial approaches and business models and interpret their significance for a particular business sector.
Elective: Digitalisation of Business Elective: Digitalisation of Business 1 3 Elective: Digitalisation of Business
Module: Elective: Digitalisation of BusinessRoot module: Elective: Digitalisation of BusinessSemester: 5 Course code: EDB5WK Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 3Course Content:- New business models as a result of digitalisation
- Changes in work processes
- The born-global phenomenon and blue ocean strategy
- Zero marginal cost modelss
- Lock-in effects
- The new world of work
- Big data
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- describe current developments regarding the digitalisation of businesses
- analyse and combine specific knowlege of digital business models with fundamental expertise in International Economics, and International Management and Business, with a focus on new business models and entrepreneurial opportunities
- identify opportunities for digital business transformation and interpret their significance for a particular business sector including the rapid speed change and the need for constant updates thanks to new technologies emerging.
Elective: Export Market Metrics Elective: Export Market Metrics 1 3 Elective: Export Market Metrics
Module: Elective: Export Market MetricsRoot module: Elective: Export Market MetricsSemester: 5 Course code: EEM5WK Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Data-based analysis and decision making
- Data sources and information brokers
- Online vs. offline entry
- Marketing Metrics
- Uppsala approach
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- describe current developments in the market selection and market access with a focus on sustainable supply chain managment,
- analyse and combine technical knowledge with fundamental expertise in International Economics, and International Management and Business,
- identify market opportunities presented by new entry tactics and interpret their significance for a particular business sector, describing the need to constantly update assessment and strategy due to the rapid change of the environment.
Elective: Sourcing and Customs Planning Elective: Sourcing and Customs Planning 1 3 Elective: Sourcing and Customs Planning
Module: Elective: Sourcing and Customs PlanningRoot module: Elective: Sourcing and Customs PlanningSemester: 5 Course code: ESC5WK Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Supply chain management planning and strategies
- The procurement process and service providers
- Customs and taxation aspects, including national content requirements and country of origin
- Risk management including liability and criminal proceedings with regard to importing goods, with a particular focus on freight forwarders, electronic customs declarations and customs clearance procedures, and documentation including software applications
- The framework within the EU and the challenges of updating and staying up to date
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- describe current developments in sourcing and customs procedures, with a focus on the impact of sustainability on supply chain management considertations,
- analyse and combine specific procurement knowledge with fundamental expertise in International Economics, and International Management and Business,
- identify weaknesses and potential improvements in supply chain management processes, and develop solutions, and understand that there is a need to constantly re-assess and update the own strategy due to the rapid speed of change in regulations and environments.
Elective: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Visualisation of Data Elective: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Visualisation of Data 1 3 Elective: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Visualisation of Data
Module: Elective: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Visualisation of DataRoot module: Elective: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Visualisation of DataSemester: 5 Course code: EAI5WK Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 3Course Content:- AI tools and Autonomous Decision Making
- Learning and Training Approaches
- AI intergration and implementation in work processes
- GDPR and IP issues
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- describe current developments and the speed of change in the Artificial Intelligence with a focus on data, visualisation and creative industry
- analyse and combine specific technical knowledge with fundamental expertise in International Economics, and International Management and Business
- identify opportunities and risks presented by AI application and automated processes, and interpret their significance for a particular business sector, and explain the need for regular updates since the technologies keep evolving and new solutions and applications emerge in rapid succession
Course SWS ECTS International Business V International Financial Management 2 3 International Financial Management
Module: International Business VRoot module: International Business VSemester: 6 Course code: IFM6ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Assessment of separate, unrelated investments against a background of uncertainty
- Portfolio management and selection
- Applying a theoretical approach to separate, unrelated investment decisions against a background of uncertainty
- Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
- Arbitrage pricing theory (APT)
- Operating and financial leverage
- Models for optimal financial gearing
- Capital-market-based valuation of real investments and companies
- Models of the perfect capital market with perfect information
- Rate of Return
- Explicit vs. inplicit cost of capital
- Mergers and Acquisitions
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- apply analytical tools when dealing with capital markets and capital market instruments,
- apply concepts for the development of budget, investment and capital structures as well as profit distribution decisions,
- describe concepts and processes related to company acquisitions and
- partnerships from a business administration, an organisational and a capital-market perspective.
Elective Case Seminar A: Export of Commodities and Goods 3 5 Elective Case Seminar A: Export of Commodities and Goods
Module: International Business VRoot module: International Business VSemester: 6 Course code: S1_ESA6ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 5Course Content:- Foreign trade finance instruments II (export of commodities and goods)
- Sourcing Strategies for goods· Securisation of trade deals
- Trading houses and services
- Types of countertrade
- Risk management II (payment processing, hedging exchange rate fluctuations, foreign exchange options, managing performance and acceptance)
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- describe potential risk factors in trade and commodity business,
- define and explain key roles and concepts in trading,
- describe and compare the main components of export finance instruments and potential challenges associated with them,
- identify and apply suitable instruments provided by export credit agencies to support export opportunities, and apply them to case situations
Elective Case Seminar B: Export of Services 3 5 Elective Case Seminar B: Export of Services
Module: International Business VRoot module: International Business VSemester: 6 Course code: S2_ESB6ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 5Course Content:- Foreign trade finance instruments II (Export of Services)
- Types of services and contracts
- Suppliers and customers
- Managing the customer base
- Taxation issues
- Transfer pricing
- Risk management II (payment processing, hedging exchange rate fluctuations, foreign exchange options)
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- describe potential risk factors in sales and provision of services,
- define and explain key roles and concepts in the exporting of services,
- describe and compare the main components of export finance instruments and potential challenges associated with them,
- identify and apply suitable instruments provided by export credit agencies to support export opportunities, and apply them to case situations.
Elective Case Seminar C: FDI and Engineering Projects abroad 3 5 Elective Case Seminar C: FDI and Engineering Projects abroad
Module: International Business VRoot module: International Business VSemester: 6 Course code: S3_ESC6ILV Contact hours per week: 3 ECTS: 5Course Content:- Foreign trade finance instruments II (structured project and export finance)
- Export guarantees and assumption of liability by export credit agencies
- Public-private partnership (PPP) models
- Types of countertrade
- Risk management II (payment processing, hedging exchange rate fluctuations, foreign exchange options)
Course outcome:Upon completion of this course students are able to:
- describe potential risk factors in project finance and structured finance,
- define and explain key roles and concepts in project finance,
- describe and compare the main components of export finance instruments and potential challenges associated with them,
- identify and apply suitable instruments provided by export credit agencies to support export opportunities, and apply them to case situations
Economics III International Economics 2 3 International Economics
Module: Economics IIIRoot module: Economics IIISemester: 6 Course code: IEC6ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:Fundamentals of International Trade Theory:
- Overview of past and current World Trade
- Welfare Analysis of Trade (Consumer Surplus, Producer Surplus, Benefits from Trade)
- Theory of Comparative Advantage (Ricardo)
- Factor Endowment: Heckscher-Ohlin
- Relative Supply and Relative Demand
Exchange Rates and Open Economy Macroeconomics:
- Balance of Payments
- Exchange Rates and the Foreign Exchange Market
- Money, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates
- Current Topics on Globalization
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- describe and explain basic concepts of international economics and the relationship between them,
- explain and interpret the empirical results of economic models,
- describe international economic interactions and identify their impact on international business,
- analyse and evaluate the ways in which international economics influences business strategy, decision-making and business performance,
- recognize trends in trade and capital flows, and capital flows, and develop solutions based on brief case studies.
International Law and International Relations II International Strategies for Sustainable Development 2 3 International Strategies for Sustainable Development
Module: International Law and International Relations IIRoot module: International Law and International Relations IISemester: 6 Course code: ISD6ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Sustainable development theory
- International investment law
- International trade law
- International development law and international monetary law
- Transnational corporations and sustainable development
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- explain how the concept of sustainable development has changed different fields of international affairs and explain the need to track the evolution of definitions and policies,
- explain the present balance and imbalance of international actors as well as the changes and dynamic in the system,
- determine whether a particular policy or project meets the requirements of sustainable development, reflecting current as well as upcoming (discussed) definitions and regulations,
- differentiate between and explain various aspects of sustainable development.
Community Management and Social Learning Community Management and Social Learning 1 3 Community Management and Social Learning
Module: Community Management and Social LearningRoot module: Community Management and Social LearningSemester: 6 Course code: CMS6ILV Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 3Course Content:- Types of Communities
- Online Communication
- Community Engagement
- Offline Communication
- Roles in Communities
- Community Engagement
- Relevant laws and regulations
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- demonstrate effective planning and organization skills by creating and implementing comprehensive strategies for managing intercultural online communities. This includes developing a clear vision, defining goals and objectives, and establishing guidelines for community participation,
- showcase strong communication skills by effectively organizing and announcing events within interculturay communities. They will demonstrate their ability to create engaging event descriptions, communicate event details to community members, and facilitate discussions to generate interest and participation.
Scientific Methods and Tools IV Bachelor Seminar II and Bachelor Paper 1 8 Bachelor Seminar II and Bachelor Paper
Module: Scientific Methods and Tools IVRoot module: Scientific Methods and Tools IVSemester: 6 Course code: BS26BASE Contact hours per week: 1 ECTS: 8Course Content:- Composing the bachelor paper based on the research proposal
- Topic-focused literature review
- Revision of the main elements of data collection and analysis and their application to the Bachelor paper· Application of content-related and formal academic requirements
- Preparation for the “defensio” of the Bachelor paper
- Review of selected relevant topics for the Bachelor exam
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- independently write an academic paper in accordance with content-related and formal academic requirements, reflecting own resources and capabilities (time, method comprehension) as well as the access to up-to date information and the problem of working with outdated models and data,
- differentiate and evaluate problems linked to the selected study specialisations,
- describe the connection between singular topics from the study specialisations and the relevant courses as stipulated in the manual and reflect on the bigger picture.
Bachelor Exam Bachelor Exam 0 2 Bachelor Exam
Module: Bachelor ExamRoot module: Bachelor ExamSemester: 6 Course code: BEX6AP Contact hours per week: 0 ECTS: 2Course Content:- Presentation of bachelor paper
- Oral examination on the bachelor paper (in accordance with section 16 Fachhochschul- Studiengesetz [University of Applied Sciences Studies Act]), and the
- links to related subjects on the curriculum (in accordance with section 16 University of Applied Sciences Studies Act)
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- present their bachelor paper and the question they addressed in a manner appropriate to the target audience, and defend the paper before an expert committee,
- outline the significance of the findings for professional practice and research, present supporting arguments and discuss the relevance of up-to-date theories, models and data,
- answer follow-up questions on degree-programme subjects and the links between them, and justify their answers, reflecting on current economic situation.
French V (Level B1) ** French V (Level B1) ** 2 3 French V (Level B1) **
Module: French V (Level B1) **Root module: French V (Level B1) **Semester: 6 Course code: V_FR156ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.1/B1.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking. ·
- The French economy, current developments and future
- French Regions
- Companies and their characteristics
- Business Career
- Negotiation
- French Society and Culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- write clear detailed texts on a variety of economic subjects concerning the field of companies,
- understand the information of the majority of audio-visual material on topics of economic or personal interest,
- read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to economic matters,
- communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and non-routinematters related to their interests and professional field,
- apply the most important conventions concerning the body language and social behavior of the French speaking world.
- acquire knowledge, awareness and understanding of the relation (similarities and distinctive differences) between the ‘world of origin’ and the ‘world of the target community'.
French V (Level C1) ** French V (Level C1) ** 2 3 French V (Level C1) **
Module: French V (Level C1) **Root module: French V (Level C1) **Semester: 6 Course code: V_FR256ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Proficient User (B2.2/C1.1.) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- France as a tourist destination
- Types and forms of tourism
- International Trade
- France as an exporting country
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes normal interaction with a native speaker quite possible.
Spanish V (Level B1) ** Spanish V (Level B1) ** 2 3 Spanish V (Level B1) **
Module: Spanish V (Level B1) **Root module: Spanish V (Level B1) **Semester: 6 Course code: V_SP156ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.1/B1.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The Spanish economy, current developments and future
- Spanish Regions
- Companies and their characteristics
- Business Career
- Negotiation
- Spanish Society and Culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- write clear detailed texts on a variety of economic subjects concerning the field of companies,
- understand the information of the majority of audio-visual material on topics of economic or personal interest,
- read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to economic matters,
- communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and non-routinematters related to their interests and professional field,
- apply the most important conventions concerning the body language and social behavior of the Spanish speaking world,
- acquire knowledge, awareness and understanding of the relation (similarities and distinctive differences) between the ‘world of origin’ and the ‘world of the target community'.
Spanish V (Level C1) ** Spanish V (Level C1) ** 2 3 Spanish V (Level C1) **
Module: Spanish V (Level C1) **Root module: Spanish V (Level C1) **Semester: 6 Course code: V_SP256ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Proficient User (B2.2/C1.1.) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Spain as a tourist destination
- Types and forms of tourism
- International Trade
- Spain as an exporting country
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes normal interaction with a native speaker quite possible.
Italian V (Level B1) ** Italian V (Level B1) ** 2 3 Italian V (Level B1) **
Module: Italian V (Level B1) **Root module: Italian V (Level B1) **Semester: 6 Course code: IT56ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.1/B1.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The Italian economy, current developments and future
- Italian Regions
- Situational dialogue in working environment
- Business Career
- Companies and their characteristics
- Italian Society and Culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- write clear detailed texts on a variety of economic subjects concerning the field of companies,
- understand the information of the majority of audio-visual material on topics of economic or personal interest,
- read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to economic matters,
- communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and non-routinematters related to their interests and professional field,
- apply the most important conventions concerning the body language and social behavior of the Italian speaking world,
- acquire knowledge, awareness and understanding of the relation (similarities and distinctive differences) between the ‘world of origin’ and the ‘world of the target community'.
German V (Level B1) ** German V (Level B1) ** 2 3 German V (Level B1) **
Module: German V (Level B1) **Root module: German V (Level B1) **Semester: 6 Course code: V_GE156ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (B1.1/B1.2) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- The German economy, current developments and future
- German Regions
- Companies and their characteristics
- Business Career
- Negotiation
- German Society and Culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- write clear detailed texts on a variety of economic subjects concerning the field of companies,
- understand the information of the majority of audio-visual material on topics of economic or personal interest,
- read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to economic matters,
- communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and non-routinematters related to their interests and professional field,
- apply the most important conventions concerning the body language and social behavior of the German speaking world,
- acquire knowledge, awareness and understanding of the relation (similarities and distinctive differences) between the ‘world of origin’ and the ‘world of the target community'.
German V (Level C1) ** German V (Level C1) ** 2 3 German V (Level C1) **
Module: German V (Level C1) **Root module: German V (Level C1) **Semester: 6 Course code: V_GE256ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Proficient User (B2.2/C1.1.) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Germany and Austria as a tourist destination
- Types and forms of tourism
- International Trade
- Austria and Germany as exporting countries
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- use the language to engage in conversation and present themselves and selected topics.
Chinese V (Level A2/B1) ** Chinese V (Level A2/B1) ** 2 3 Chinese V (Level A2/B1) **
Module: Chinese V (Level A2/B1) **Root module: Chinese V (Level A2/B1) **Semester: 6 Course code: V_CH56ILV Contact hours per week: 2 ECTS: 3Course Content:The content of this course corresponds to the language competences of Independent User (A2.2/B1.1) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages and covers all four relevant dimensions: reading, writing, listening and speaking. ·
- The Chinese economy, current developments and future
- Chinese Regions
- Companies and their characteristics
- Business Career
- Negotiation
- Chinese Society and Culture
Course outcome:At the end of this module students are able to:
- understand general and business related texts and can summarise their contents,
- answer questions related to general everyday, business and contemporary topics,
- read, explain and produce texts, notes and messages,
- use the language to engage in conversation and present themselves and selected topics.
Warum sollten Sie sich für das Bachelor-Studium International Business Management in Krems entscheiden?
Die ideale Vorbereitung fürs internationale Parkett
Möchten Sie mit Menschen aus aller Welt studieren? Für das Exchange und das Praktikumssemester ins Ausland gehen? Sollen Ihnen nach Ihrem Studium alle Wege offenstehen – egal ob im In- oder im Ausland? Dann ist dieses internationale Studienprogramm genau die richtige Wahl für Sie.
Sie erhalten eine solide betriebswirtschaftliche Ausbildung und beschäftigen sich eingehend mit Volkswirtschaft und Recht. Ein weiterer wichtiger Teil des Studiums: Grenzen übergreifender Handel und Verhandlungstechniken. Außerdem erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Wirtschaftsregionen, lernen oder verbessern eine Fremdsprache und sammeln interkulturelle Erfahrungen. Neben dem Umgang mit Menschen finden sich auch die Themen Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit prominent im Studium wieder.
Die Welt entdecken
Interessieren Sie sich für andere Kulturen? Ausgezeichnet – denn Mobilität ist eine der wichtigsten Eigenschaften, die von zukünftigen Managerinnen und Managern erwartet wird. Im Rahmen des Bachelor-Studiums können Sie 1 bis 2 Semester an einer unserer 170+ Partner-Hochschulen absolvieren.
Auch das Praktikumssemester verbringen Sie in einem Unternehmen Ihrer Wahl im Ausland. Sie haben also mehr als genug Gelegenheit, Ihre Englischkenntnisse weiter zu perfektionieren oder Ihre Kenntnisse in einer anderen Fremdsprache aufzufrischen. Ganz nebenbei sammeln Sie wertvolle interkulturelle Erfahrungen und haben Gelegenheit, Ihr Zuhause auf Zeit zu erkunden.
Ganz nahe an der Praxis
Das Praktikumssemester oder Practical Training Semester (PTS) ist ein Kernelement des Studiengangs. Sie erhalten die Möglichkeit, das im Studium erworbene Wissen im realen Firmenumfeld anzuwenden. So lernen Sie unterschiedliche Unternehmensstrukturen aus erster Hand kennen und sammeln Berufserfahrung, die Ihnen Ihren Berufseinstieg deutlich erleichtert.
Auch im Studienalltag ist uns der Bezug zur Praxis sehr wichtig: Wir stehen im engen Kontakt mit Firmenpartnerinnen und -partnern und versuchen so, regionale und internationale Wirtschafts- und Technologietrends vorherzusehen. Best-Practice-Beispiele von und Projekte mit unseren Kooperationspartnerinnen und -partnern garantieren praxisnahe Vorlesungen.
Karrierewege nach dem Bachelor-Studium International Business Management
Nach dem Bachelor-Studium International Business Management steht Ihnen die Welt offen. Egal, ob Sie für eine Zeit ins Ausland gehen oder sich doch für ein heimisches Unternehmen entscheiden – Sie sind für Einstiegspositionen in zahlreichen Branchen und Abteilungen qualifiziert.
Neben dem direkten Berufseinstieg können Sie sich auch für ein weiterführendes Master-Studium – egal ob Vollzeit oder berufsbegleitend – entscheiden. Hier stehen Ihnen alle Möglichkeiten offen.
An unserer Hochschule bieten sich zum Beispiel folgende Master-Studiengänge an:
- International Business and Economic Diplomacy
- Marketing mit den Major Tracks in Tourism & Hospitality Marketing, Fashion & Lifestyle Marketing und Retail & Shopper Marketing
- Digital Business Innovation and Transformation
- Management
- Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
- Management von Gesundheitsunternehmen
Selbstverständlich steht Ihnen nach Ihrem Abschluss auch jedes andere betriebswirtschaftliche Master-Studium im In- oder Ausland offen.
- Mögliche Arbeitsfelder
- Marketing und Vertrieb
- Außenhandel und Internationalisierung
- Personalmanagement (HR)
- Produkt- und Projektmanagement
- Einkauf und Supply Chain Management
- Logistik und Lagerhaltung
- Wirtschaftsberatung und Consulting
- Bankwesen, Finanzierung und Risikomanagement
- Controlling und Unternehmenssteuerung
- Öffentliche Verwaltung
- Internationale Organisationen/Diplomatischer Dienst
- Unternehmensgründung
Es gibt viele Gründe, warum wir auf unsere Hochschule stolz sind. Finden Sie heraus, was uns besonders macht.
Was Krems besonders lebenswert macht? Lernen Sie Krems als Studierenden-Stadt kennen.
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Unser Team
Lernen Sie das Kern-Team des Bachelor-Studiengangs International Business Management kennen.
Prof.(FH) MMag. Christopher Schwand
Institutsleitung Internationale Wirtschaft und Ökonomie / Studiengangsleitung International Business Management
Institut Internationale Wirtschaft und Ökonomie
- Digital Business Transformation
- Quantitative und qualitative Forschungsmethoden
- International Business Management in TashkentBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
- International Business ManagementBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
Prof.(FH) MMag. Christopher SchwandInstitutsleitung Internationale Wirtschaft und Ökonomie / Studiengangsleitung International Business ManagementInstitutsleitung Internationale Wirtschaft und Ökonomie / Studiengangsleitung International Business Management
Prof.(FH) MMag. Christopher Schwand
- Digital Business Transformation
- Quantitative und qualitative Forschungsmethoden
Andrea Lane, PhD
Senior Lecturer Institut Entrepreneurship
Institut Entrepreneurship
- Tourism and Leisure Management in BakuVollzeit
- International Business ManagementBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
- International Business Management in TashkentBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
- StartUp Management*Bachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
- Business AdministrationBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
- Digital Business Innovation and TransformationMaster of Arts in Business / Berufsbegleitend
Andrea Lane, PhDSenior Lecturer Institut EntrepreneurshipProf.(FH) Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Michael Bartz
Fachhochschulprofessor Institut Internationale Wirtschaft und Ökonomie
Institut Internationale Wirtschaft und Ökonomie
- Digital Business Innovation and TransformationMaster of Arts in Business / Berufsbegleitend
- ManagementMaster of Arts in Business / Berufsbegleitend
- Management von GesundheitsunternehmenMaster of Arts in Business / Berufsbegleitend
- International Business and Economic DiplomacyMaster of Arts in Business / Berufsbegleitend
- International Business ManagementBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
Prof.(FH) Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Michael BartzFachhochschulprofessor Institut Internationale Wirtschaft und ÖkonomieProf.(FH) Dr. Anna Fornalska
Fachhochschulprofessorin Institut Internationale Wirtschaft und Ökonomie
Institut Internationale Wirtschaft und Ökonomie
- Business AdministrationBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
- International Business ManagementBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
- International Business and Economic DiplomacyMaster of Arts in Business / Berufsbegleitend
Prof.(FH) Dr. Anna FornalskaFachhochschulprofessorin Institut Internationale Wirtschaft und...Prof.(FH) Dr. Alina Schoenberg
Studiengangsleitung International Business and Economic Diplomacy
Institut Internationale Wirtschaft und Ökonomie
- International Business ManagementBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
- International Business and Economic DiplomacyMaster of Arts in Business / Berufsbegleitend
- Tourism and Leisure ManagementBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
Prof.(FH) Dr. Alina SchoenbergStudiengangsleitung International Business and Economic DiplomacyProf.(FH) Klaus Kotek, MBA
Fachhochschulprofessor Institut Marketing und Wein Business
Institut Marketing und Wein Business
- Internationale Versicherungswirtschaft und Finanzmanagement
- Business AdministrationBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
- International Business and Economic DiplomacyMaster of Arts in Business / Berufsbegleitend
- International Business ManagementBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
Prof.(FH) Klaus Kotek, MBAFachhochschulprofessor Institut Marketing und Wein BusinessProf.(FH) Denise Kleiss, MSc., MBA, B.A.
Fachhochschulprofessorin Institut Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft
Institut Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft
- Personalmanagement
- Tourismusmanagement
- Business AdministrationBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
- Tourism and Leisure ManagementBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
- International Business ManagementBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
Prof.(FH) Denise Kleiss, MSc., MBA, B.A.Fachhochschulprofessorin Institut Nachhaltigkeit und...Hon.Prof.(FH) Dr. Elisa Hergueta-Covacho, E.H. Lic., MA
Senior Lecturer Institut Tourismus
Institut Tourismus
- Tourism and Leisure ManagementBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
- International Business ManagementBachelor of Arts in Business / Vollzeit
Hon.Prof.(FH) Dr. Elisa Hergueta-Covacho, E.H. Lic., MASenior Lecturer Institut Tourismus
Zulassung & Aufnahme – die nächsten Schritte
Sie haben einen Studiengang gefunden, der perfekt zu Ihnen passt? Sehr gut – das Wichtigste ist damit schon geschafft. Informieren Sie sich jetzt über die nächsten Schritte. Wir haben alle relevanten Informationen für Sie zusammengefasst.
Welche Zugangsvoraussetzungen gelten für unsere Bachelor-Studiengänge?
Ein Bachelor-Studium setzt voraus, dass Sie über eine allgemeine Hochschulreife – also über die Matura oder eine gleichwertige Qualifikation – verfügen. Falls Sie diese Voraussetzung nicht erfüllen, können Sie sich im Bereich Studieren ohne Matura darüber informieren, wie Sie sich trotzdem für einen unserer Bachelor-Studiengänge qualifizieren können.
Sie verfügen über ein ausländisches Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife?
Wir prüfen die Gleichwertigkeit mit der allgemeinen Hochschulreife gemäß § 4 FHG (Fachhochschulgesetz) idgF, sobald die Online-Bewerbung vollständig abgeschlossen ist. Falls die Gleichwertigkeit nicht gegeben ist, erhalten Sie von uns alle Informationen über die nötigen Ergänzungsprüfungen.
Welchen Sprachnachweis benötigen Sie für unseren englischsprachigen Bachelor-Studiengang?
Wir werden Ihre Englischkenntnisse im Rahmen des Aufnahmegesprächs überprüfen. Gesonderte Zertifikate sind also nicht nötig.
Steht Ihnen der Präsenz- beziehungsweise Zivildienst noch bevor? Als männlicher Bewerber mit österreichischer Staatsbürgerschaft empfehlen wir Ihnen dringend, die Wehrpflicht noch vor dem Studium abzuleisten. So können Sie Ihr Studium ohne Unterbrechung durchführen und direkt nach dem Studium in das Berufsleben einsteigen.
Wir möchten Sie gerne persönlich kennen lernen:
Im Rahmen der Online-Bewerbung ist ein Motivationsschreiben und ein kurzes Essay zu einem studiengangsrelevanten Thema zu verfassen. Vorgegebene Fragen zu Ihren Beweggründen, sowie die Anforderungen und Themenstellungen für Ihr Essay finden Sie in der Online-Bewerbung. Sie wählen eines der vorgeschlagenen Themen aus, führen eine Recherche durch um Ihren Wissenstand zu erweitern, setzen sich mit den Fragestellungen auseinander und bringen im Essay Ihren eigenen Standpunkt ein. Ihre Antworten sind in eigens dafür vorgesehene Eingabefelder einzutragen.
Für Ihr Aufnahmegespräch werden Ihr Motivationsschreiben und Ihr Essay als Grundlage herangezogen. Jede Bewerberin und jeder Bewerber erhält die Möglichkeit, sich in einem Einzelgespräch, das in der Regel mit dem Studiengangsleiter bzw. der Studiengangsleiterin geführt wird, vorzustellen. Neben dem persönlichen Kennenlernen werden Ihre Beweggründe für das Studium besprochen, das ausgewählte Thema und die Argumentation im Essay diskutiert, sowie die Relevanz dieses Themas für den Studiengang erörtert.
Das Aufnahmegespräch wird in der Unterrichtssprache des Studiengangs geführt und findet entweder online über Microsoft Teams oder Vorort statt.
Nach dem Aufnahmegespräch werden das Motivationsschreiben, der Essay und das Gespräch nach den inhaltlichen Aussagen, der Ausdruckskraft und der Argumentation bewertet.
Welche Aufnahmetermine gibt es?
Sie haben in der Regel die Wahl zwischen mehreren Aufnahmetagen, die mit Kontingenten hinterlegt sind. Im Zuge der Online-Bewerbung können Sie Ihren bevorzugten Termin auswählen. Um noch von der vollen Auswahl an Terminen profitieren zu können, empfehlen wir Ihnen, Ihre Bewerbung rechtzeitig durchzuführen.
Verschaffen Sie sich jetzt einen Überblick über die für Sie relevanten Termine:
Im Moment sind keine Termine verfügbar.
Nachdem Sie Ihre Online Bewerbung erfolgreich abgeschlossen haben, wird Ihre Bewerbung auf Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit geprüft. Sobald dieser Vorgang abgeschlossen ist, informieren wir Sie per E-Mail und bestätigen dabei auch den Aufnahmetermin.
Ende der Bewerbungsfrist für EU StaatsbürgerInnen / Nachfrist | 17.04.2024 / 28.06.2024 |
Ende der Bewerbungsfrist für Nicht-EU StaatsbürgerInnen | 15.04.2024 |
Sie haben sich für einen unserer Studiengänge entschieden? Zuerst einmal: Gratulation und vielen Dank für Ihr Vertrauen! Gerne führen wir Sie Schritt für Schritt durch Ihre Online-Bewerbung.
Sie planen gerne voraus und möchten wissen, wann Ihr Studiengang startet? Hier werden Sie fündig!
Fragen zum Studienangebot?
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