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Institute International Trade and Sustainable Economy

Research at the Institute of International Trade and Sustainable Economy centres primarily on digital transformation and organisation development, as well as the regional economy and international trade.

Sustainability plays a central role in all of our plans and projects.

Real-world research focuses

The institute’s projects, studies and commissioned research cover topics from a variety of different fields.

The subject of organisational development includes promoting agile, resilient organisations, corporate digital transformation – especially in connection with mobile working – as well as diversity and cross-cultural management.

In terms of the international alignment of companies and organisations, the institute carries out research on strategies for trade, the export business and internationalisation. Here, the focus is on site selection, reshoring and nearshoring, finance, and supply chain design.

In addition, the institute also researches the basic characteristics of functioning regional economies. Our work in this area concentrates on regional development and cluster policies, urban economics, regional innovation networks, and EU cohesion policy.

We see research into sustainability as an interdisciplinary topic that feeds into numerous research projects. Here, the emphasis is on the circular economy, communities and citizen science, and the preparation of informative sustainability reports.

" Research at the institute focuses on three areas: designing living and working spaces, regional and international changes, and the successful transition to a circular economy. We aim to give our students insights into these key topics that will shape the future, and to collaborate with companies and research partners to create a basis for future developments and decision-making by businesses and politicians. "

Christopher Schwand, Head of Institute International Trade and Sustainable Economy


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Institute International Trade and Sustainable Economy