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VaMoS’21 Conference

Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems

From 9 to 11 February, the VaMoS International Working Conference 2021 on variability modelling of software-intensive systems took place at the IMC University of Applied Sciences – IMC UAS Krems - with more than 150 participants and high-class speakers from all over the world.

Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der VaMoS'21 Konferenz im virtuellen Hörsaal

Thanks to the virtual format, more than 150 participants from 25 countries were able to register and attend the conference.

Major challenges of software-intensive systems

Variability management is a major challenge during the development, maintenance, and evolution of software-intensive systems. An important precondition for the effective and efficient management of variability is that it must be explicitly modelled. Since its inception, the variability management community devised many breakthroughs at the foundational and application levels, allowing researchers and engineers to finely represent the configuration space of these systems and to make informed decisions on which configuration to use at a given point in time for a given context.

Solutions for variability engineering

Variability is prominent in many systems to allow for more adaptability and economies of scale through product lines, configurations, adaptive systems, generators etc. The conference was the ideal venue to explore problems and solutions in variability engineering. Contributions from software engineering and related areas as well as from new and emerging domains where techniques are applied to manage complexity introduced by variability were on the agenda.

Statement of the main chair Dr. Deepak Dhunghana

“The safety of our community was a top priority for the organising committee of VaMoS’21. It was primarily for this reason, and because of multiple travelling and local logistics constraints, that we have decided to make the conference a completely virtual event. This gave us the opportunity to make VaMoS’21 accessible to the largest audience possible and we worked on the technical setup to run it in the spirit of VaMoS. Additionally, we minimized the registration fees for all participants as much as possible”, states Deepak Dhungana, head of institute “Digitalisation and Informatics”.

About VaMos

VaMoS aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to share ideas, results and experience about their quest for mastering variability. As such, in addition to its usual call for technical research papers, VaMoS strongly supports the participation of industrials and starting researchers via the organisation of dedicated tracks. It is a highly interactive event. Sessions are organised as to provoke discussion among the presenters of papers, discussants and all the other participants. Typically, after a paper was presented, it is immediately discussed by a pre-assigned discussant, then subject to a free discussion involving all participants.

The conference was sponsored by Siemens.


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