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News #Hochschule#Diversity

Human Rights Day

IMC FH Krems sets a clear signal against discrimination

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”. (article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, December 10, 1948). In commemoration of the International Human Rights Day, which is celebrated on December 10th, IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems sets a clear sign against discrimination.

We are very pleased to announce that IMC UAS Krems is now an official supporter of the UN Standards for Business Tackling Dicsrimination against LGBTI People. The standards build on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and are implemented at IMC UAS Krems not only with regard to the LGBTIQ+ community, but towards all groups of people.

Human Rights Day: IMC FH Krems sets a clear signal against discrimination


IMC UAS Krems is committed to a responsible and respectful approach to diversity of values. Diversity and cosmopolitanism are anchored in our corporate values and our corporate strategy.


Minorities and marginalized groups should not be hindered or prevented from gaining access by giving preference to certain groups of people. Everyone should be able to learn, teach, research and work at IMC UAS Krems on an equal footing, without fear of discrimination, sexism or racism. However, discrimination and degrading behavior will be prevented or stopped.


In order to continuously develop the area of diversity and equal opportunities and to implement it in the programs of IMC UAS Krems, the advisory board "Gender & Diversity" was founded in August 2019. The management team is represented in it and is supported by the departments and university services of IMC Krems. Members of the college, lecturers, employees as well as students via the university representation can submit applications to the Diversity Advisory Board.


IMC UAS Krems conducts its business within the framework of applicable laws and regulations and values fairness, commitment, mutual trust, a sense of responsibility, openness to diversity and individual advancement. Integrity, honesty and internal and external contractual compliance are further basic principles of our actions.


IMC UAS Krems sends clear signals for diversity, equal opportunities and against discrimination and hate by signing the Diversity Charter, participating in the initiative "Wir.Gegen.Hass" (We.Against.Hate) and taking part in the LGBTIQ+ Audit of the Uhlala Group, in which IMC UAS Krems made it to the top 20 of the 561 German-speaking state-recognized universities and universities of applied sciences invited for the comparison

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