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Story #Internationales#Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Biotech graduate completes his PhD in Japan

IMC graduate accepted as PhD candidate at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

Since September 2019, Jan Grašič is a PhD student at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan and focuses on “Biology of Aging, Biogerontology, Nutrition Science und Optimal Human Performance”.

Bio Absolvent Jan Grašič ist seit September 2019 PhD Student in Japan

Biotech graduate Jan Grašič has been a PhD student in Japan since September 2019.

Prior to this, Jan Grašič worked for a year as Quality Assurance Manager at Novartis. The dedicated biotechnologist from Maribor, Slovenia, successfully completed his master degree programme Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at IMC FH Krems in 2017.

Interdisciplinary research

He thanked his former programme director, Harald Hundsberger for the letter of recommendation which, in his opinion, helped to get him into the five-year doctoral programme. He is currently gaining his first laboratory experience in the field of cell membrane damage. He reports that the institute he is working at is completely new and that it focuses on interdisciplinary research without having its own departments.

Staying in touch with IMC Krems

It is particularly appealing that each year the doctoral students are offered a paid flight for an educational visit with a professor of their choice. During this visit, they are expected to talk about specific research topics, present their work at OIST and establish collaborations. In his first year, Grašič has decided to visit IMC Krems in order to introduce the students to the interesting possibilities of research internships at OIST.

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